The James Gordon Blog

Welcome to my Blog

This is essentially a place for me to ramble, get shit off my chest, post about my day to day life and beyond anything else....try and be funny!

i will review films i've seen, television that is currently going on, music and world events.

So keep this Blog in your Favourites and keep watching, feedback is welcome, either on here or on facebook.

Any questions you have, or want me to tackle then post them to me and lets get larey!

The James Gordon Blog

The James Gordon Blog
James R Gordon

Sunday, 13 March 2011

The beginning of a new ERA

Good Day People Of The Internet

I am here for a few reasons which you can probably see in my little introduction bit at the top of my page, but beyond anything else I am here to tell you my opinions on things...everything really.

So first things first really....introductions


Can I start off with something..... I know a lot of people who read this will be people I know and so I want to clear something up. I am very aware that I look like I have down-syndrome.... I've been getting this comment quite a bit recently and i just want to let people know I'm aware. so next time you watch a video like Shark The Ghost Hunter ( and you think...

'God, he really does look like he has down-syndrome'

...I don't. Not that i've gone out and had tests but yeah i havent got it pretty sure i'd milk that for everything i could like i do with dyslexia (by the way how's the spelling going so far?)

So yeah, i'm James Gordon, comedian, writer, actor and all round entertainer. I've actually got no evidence of any of these things so you'll have to believe me. Huge comic book nerd. Yes, i love all that, especially Marvel comics. Whats not to love...

fully grown men + not having jobs + having powers + pulling women = a pretty good life

so there will be many references to comics and other such modern culture like film. television and music.

so i have lots to say, please though don't think this is all about me, because it's not, i wish it was, but it's not. i want you to comment opinions (not that i look like I've got downs), questions and just general love.

i would think there will be another posting soon, but until then my little mother bloggers...

get Jowly.


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